Project SHEERenov brought housing experts from Bulgaria and Hungary to Estonia
09.08.2021A delegation of housing experts from Bulgaria and Hunagry visited Estonia in from August 4th to 6th, 2021. The aim of the visit within the framework of the international cooperation project “SHEERenov – Seamless services for Housing Energy Efficiency Renovation ” was to get acquainted with Estonian housing best practices and meet with Estonian housing experts, gather ideas for developing Bulgarian housing and renovation policy measures and establish contacts with Estonian housing institutions and organizations.
The delegation: the Bulgarian Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, Sofia City Government, Cleantech Bulgaria, the Bulgarian-Austrian Consulting Company BACC, the Bulgarian Association of Property Managers BGFMA and Global Environmental Social Business GESB from Hungary.
In Estonia, the delegation met with representatives of the Estonian Association of Apartment Associations, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, KredEx Foundation and Tallinn City Property Department. The work of the apartment associations that have carried out the complete renovation in Tallinn as well as different financing measures were discussed.
SHEERenov objective is to develop and test a model for the provision of integrated residential renovation services on the territory of Sofia in Bulgaria. The implementation of the project will support the Bulgarian Government’s intended transition from the current multifamily buildings energy efficiency renovation model, financed fully from public resources and administered entirely by public institutions, to a market oriented model.
Photos of the visit in the Gallery: SHEERenov visit to Estonia
Find out more about the SHEERenov project:
SHEERenov project – Seamless services for Housing Energy Efficiency Renovation has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 890473.